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北京吉康+150g+新鲜奶酪+ 雪球Bocconcini

2019/12/17 1:42:06发布138次查看
柏扎莱集团一贯执着追求高品质、可靠且值得信赖的产品,即黄油、摩拉维亚干酪以及四种dop产区认证奶酪和六个不同品牌:柏扎莱、阿尔卑,爱尔焙,维雷纳、佐吉、摩拉维亚和ouro branco silvipastoril品牌产品。公司始创于阿西阿高高原,家族企业自1500年开始在那里经营。
brazzale family operates in the milk world since at least 1784,representing the oldest italian company in the sector,in continuous activity since at least eight generations.brazzale group is a group of companies exclusively family-owned.the ownership and management of the companies are now in the hands of the seventh generation of brazzale family,represented by brothers gian battista,roberto and piercristiano,active in the company in various roles and management areas.with entrepreneurial spirit of continuity,also the eighth generation of the family brazzale is now working in the company.in 2002,brazzale family merged with zaupa family-another family operating in the dairy business since generations,based in monte di malo(vi) and specialized in the production of “paste filate”,provolone and asiago pdo cheeses,with the brand “zogi”.
the continuous quest for the best combination of quality,value and authenticity of its products has led the group to be today a leader in the industry with butter,gran moravia hard cheese,four pdo cheeses and six different brands: brazzale,alpilatte,burro delle alpi,verena,zogi,gran moravia and ouro branco silvipastoril.the history of the firm begins on the asiago plateau,where the family had been operative since ‘500.


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