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2019/6/5 23:08:49发布120次查看

北京师范大学beijing normal university北京师范大学(beijing normal university),是中华人民共和国教育部直属、中央直管副部级建制的全国重点大学,位列双一流、985工程、211工程,国家“七五”、“八五”首批重点建设十所大学之一。入选珠峰计划、2011计划、111计划、卓越法律人才教育培养计划、国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目、国家大学生创新性实验计划、中国政府奖学金来华留学生接收院校,设有研究生院,是一所以教师教育、教育科学和文理基础学科为主要特色的著名学府。 学校的前身是1902年创立的京师大学堂师范馆;1908年改称京师优级师范学堂,独立设校。1912年改名为北京高等师范学校。1923年学校更名为北京师范大学,成为中国历史上第一所师范大学。1931年、1952年北平女子师范大学、辅仁大学先后并入北京师范大学。毛主席为北京师范大学亲笔题写校名。2002年百年校庆之际,教育部和北京市决定重点共建北京师范大学。2017年学校进入国家“世界一流大学”建设a类名单。
beijing normal university
beijing normal university is a national key university directly under the ministry of education of the people's republic of china and directly administered by the central government at the vice-ministerial level. included in the plan, 2011 plan, 111 plan, outstanding legal talent education program, university of national construction high level professional graduate programs, the national college students' innovative experiment plan, the chinese government scholarship students receiving institutions in china, with the graduate school, is a teacher education, education, science and liberal arts foundation course as the main characteristics of the famous institution of higher learning.
the predecessor of the school was the normal school of jingshi university which was founded in 1902. 1908 it was renamed the capital excellent normal school and set up its own school. 1912 it was renamed beijing normal university. 1923 the university was renamed beijing normal university, becoming the first normal university in chinese history. in 1931 and 1952, beiping women's normal university and furen university were merged into beijing normal university. chairman mao inscribed the name of beijing normal university. on the occasion of the centennial celebration of the university in 2002, the ministry of education and the beijing municipal government decided to focus on the construction of beijing normal university. in 2017, the university was included in the national "world-class university" construction class a list.
beijing normal university purchased the zt-4 (x) ferroelectric material parameter measuring instrument this time, in order to conduct more studies on various aspects of materials science, so that students can have a deeper understanding of the changes of ferroelectric materials. it is believed that the use of these devices will enable students to have a more detailed understanding of the nature of the materials, which will be of great help to the development of the overall strength of the school and the scientific research in china.


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