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北京折叠桌租赁 折叠椅租赁 折叠桌椅租赁

2019/12/30 0:36:57发布151次查看

北京博菲家具租赁有限公司是一家专业从事高中档办公`酒店及学校家具,家具租赁,领航家具租赁全新理念,为您提供各种会展家具、办公家具、户外家具及其他相关商品,公司集家具开发、设计、生产及租赁定做为一体,为您提供各种会展家具、办公家具及其他相关商品。 会展展会系列:沙发类高档沙发、转角沙发、单人沙发、双人沙发、三人沙发、沙发凳子;桌子类折叠桌、洽谈桌、演讲台、会议桌、茶几、吧桌、桌布、桌裙、柜子椅子类常用椅、折叠椅、宴会椅、酒吧椅、洽谈椅、手写板椅、藤椅、古典家具。 办公系列:办公桌类老板桌、经理桌、主管桌、电脑桌、会议桌、洽谈桌、演讲台、文件柜、前台、屏风隔断工位、培训桌、屏风桌、折叠桌椅、小活动柜;办公椅类老板椅、会议椅、转椅、电脑椅、培训椅、吧椅。 其他相关商品:隔离带、镜子、遮阳伞、白板、展示柜、货架、屏风、高低床、指示牌、化妆台、垃圾桶、路锥、家具配件、学校家具及各种电器设计`生产`销售 租赁及服务的规模化`现代化家具企业.公司
beijing boffi furniture leasing co., ltd. is a company specializing in high profile office `hotels and school furniture, furniture rental, furniture rental pilot new ideas, to provide you with a variety of exhibition furniture, office furniture, outdoor furniture and other related products, the company set furniture development, design, production and leasing of custom as a whole, providing a variety of exhibition furniture, office furniture and other related products for you. exhibition exhibition series: sofas class high-end sofa, corner sofa, armchair, sofa, three-seat sofa, sofa stool; folding table like a table, negotiation table, podium, conference table, coffee table, bar tables, tablecloths, table skirts, common cabinet chair class chairs, folding chairs, banquet chairs, bar stools, chairs negotiations, tablet chair, chair, classical furniture. office series: desk class boss table, manager table, head table, computer desk, conference table, negotiating table, lectern, filing cabinets, front desk, wall panels station, training tables, screens tables, folding tables and chairs, a small filing cabinet ; class office chairs boss chairs, conference chairs, swivel chairs, computer chairs, training chairs, bar chairs. other related products: isolation belt, mirrors, umbrellas, white board, display cabinets, shelves, screens, bunk beds, signs, dressing table, trash, road cones, furniture accessories, furniture and various electrical design school production of `` sales rental and service of large-scale `the modern furniture industry. company

qq: 309591919


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